Colon Cancer Screening
Early Detection and Prevention in Chicago

The Importance of Colon Cancer Screening
Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer diagnosed in the United States, and the second most common cause of cancer-related death. Fortunately, early detection and treatment are possible with colorectal cancer screening. A colonoscopy — a very safe and rapid procedure — is the gold standard for detection and prevention of colon cancer. Patients need minimal recovery time and should be back to normal activities the next day.
What Is Involved in Colon Cancer Screening?
During a colonoscopy, a soft, flexible camera is placed into the colon. The camera shows the doctor the surface of the colon and facilitates removal of any pre-cancerous lesions (polyps) before they turn into cancer. This procedure is typically performed under sedation in the hospital so the patient should not feel any discomfort.
While stool tests that can be used for screening in certain patients are now available, they are not nearly as accurate and need to be repeated more often. Also, if the results are positive or inconclusive, the patient still needs to undergo a colonoscopy.
A patient with a normal colonoscopy needs to repeat the procedure in 10 years. A screening colonoscopy is recommended starting at age 45 or potentially earlier depending on family history.
Choose the Chicago Institute of Advanced Surgery
Your primary care physician will likely recommend that you undergo a colonoscopy when you reach 45, or whenever you exhibit concerning symptoms such as rectal bleeding, unexplained abdominal pain or changes in bowel habits. At this time, you should contact the Chicago Institute of Advanced Surgery to schedule your procedure. Our experienced, caring physicians will prepare you to undergo a painless, stress-free and invaluable testing experience.