Advanced Obesity Surgery in Chicago

Understanding the Causes of Obesity
Unfortunately, society views obesity as a result of laziness or eating too much when we now know based on numerous scientific studies that this is simply not true. The truth is that obesity is a very complex medical disease with a strong genetic component that is influenced by several factors, many that are out of the patient’s control. For too long, people suffering from this terrible disease have been stigmatized and denied access to the care they need.
According to medical science, the most common factors for obesity include:
Hereditary Factors/Genetics
Obesity is often found in several generations of a patient’s family. Genes affect how you burn calories, the amount of fat stored on your body and where it is stored. Beyond the genes we inherit, environmental factors can affect the way the genes behave.
Sleep Issues
Poor sleep habits can affect one’s weight. Insufficient sleep can lead to a bigger appetite and increase the body’s cravings for foods that are high in calories, fat and carbohydrates.
Certain Medications
Some medications contribute to weight gain. These include corticosteroids, some antidepressants, antihistamines, insulin, MAOIs and epilepsy medications. If you’re prescribed a medication that can lead to weight gain, talk to your doctor; you may be able to switch to a different formulation. If not, then try to take steps to offset the weight gain.
Exercise Habits
We understand that finding time for exercise is difficult. However, exercising regularly is vital to getting and staying healthy. If you don’t have time to go to a gym, getting more exercise throughout the day is a good solution. Park your car farther from your destination, climb stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk around the office during your breaks, walk in place while waiting, etc.
Body Function
Every person’s metabolism is unique. Some thin people eat a lot, do not exercise and never gain weight. Some obese people do not overeat, exercise regularly and yet remain overweight. Everyone’s digestive system processes food in its own way and not much can be done about that. Plus, our bodies tend to want to stay at a certain weight, which makes losing weight even more difficult.
Dietary Habits
What you eat and how much you eat affects your weight. A good diet includes lean meats and fish, and healthy fruits and vegetables, while a poor diet is high in calories, fats and sugars. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for losing weight and keeping it off.
Common Consequences of Obesity
Obese individuals are more likely than their peers to develop several chronic and life-threatening diseases, including:
High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease and Stroke
High body fat content can cause high cholesterol and high blood pressure, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. High blood pressure can also lead to stroke and dementia.
More than 90% of Americans diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. Diabetes can cause kidney failure, leg and foot amputations, blindness and death. Even a relatively small weight loss can improve symptoms. Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity resolves diabetes symptoms.
Obesity is a known risk factor for breast, pancreatic, gallbladder, esophageal, colorectal, thyroid and kidney cancer.
Breathing Disorders and Sleep Issues
An abundance of body fat is hard on the lungs and impedes their proper functioning. Obesity also contributes to sleep apnea, which disrupts a person’s sleep and can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Digestive Disorders
Obesity can cause constipation, flatulence, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and gallbladder disease.
Joint Problems
Extra weight is bad for joints as it puts more pressure on them, and the only cure for knee and hip deterioration is joint replacement surgery. Plus, osteoarthritis makes exercising and weight loss even more difficult.
Infertility, Sexual Issues and Urinary Incontinence
Obese individuals have a greater risk of infertility and urinary incontinence. Women may experience irregular periods and other gynecological problems and be diagnosed with endometrial and breast cancer. Obese men may develop erectile dysfunction.
The low self-image, social isolation and lack of mobility cause depression in many obese people.
Non-Surgical and Obesity Surgery Center
The Chicago Institute of Advanced Surgery offers a comprehensive program that includes a team of dietitians and board-certified medical weight management professionals who will help you with a diet plan and coach you through your journey. We also offer the newest and most effective weight-loss medications to patients who qualify.
Our fellowship-trained obesity surgeons perform the full range of obesity and bariatric surgery procedures using advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery techniques. We are especially interested in providing revisional bariatric surgery for patients who have experienced weight regain, recurrent obesity and adverse outcomes from prior bariatric procedures.
Choose the Chicago Institute of Advanced Surgery
The specialists at the CIAS are very grateful to be able to help this underserved population and are passionate about increasing awareness about obesity, its causes and treatments. Anyone who is interested in losing weight and getting healthier should call us. We accept most insurance plans and are happy to provide a consultation to anyone who is interested. Together, we will construct an individualized treatment plan specifically designed for you.